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Discovering possibilities of turning plastic waste into fuel
[:en] Oxford University scientists are working on a technology that would allow turn plastic waste into the high-quality fuel. It is said that new technology can help fighting plastic pollution in environment. Only 10% of plastic waste is recycled as requires for recycling methods are too high. Recently European Commission set the new strategy towards […]
EU fights plastic waste in the new strategy
[:en] Europe Union’s first strategy on plastics has been put to place on 16th of January 2018. European Commission informs that new policy is aiming to protect the environment and let industries grow at the same time. New strategy wants stores to use all-recyclable plastic packaging by 2030, limit usage of single-use plastics and totally […]
[:en]We are changing for you![:da]We are changing for you![:de]We are changing for you![:pl]Zmieniamy się dla Ciebie[:hu]We are changing for you![:]
[:en] To enlarge our portal and adopt to our growing costumer base we would like to introduce a new language version – Polish. We are so excited to make it live and invite more costumers to check it out. All efforts have been made to assure correctness and ease of understanding so the new costumers can […]
Intelligent Recycling: the Story of a Smart Bin
[:en] Sorting waste has never been a pleasant process but somebody must do it if we want to live in a healthy environment. Some of us are conscious enough to do it ourselves, although it takes time and effort. Others just leave this in the hands of waste management companies. Unfortunately, only 10% of the […]
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